KEY WORD: SKETCH, LAYOUT, CAD, DRAWING, SCALE, HEIGHT-WIDHT-DEPTH. BOOK: UNIT 3. "COMPARISON". - Dimensions: Height, Width, Lendth. - Comparative forms: -er/..more than. - Superlative form: -est/ the most. INDEX 1º INTRODUCTION. 2º METHODS IN TECHNICAL DRAWING 3º MEASUREMENTS. 4º SCALES 1º INTRODUCTION: Design ideas can be communicated in many different ways.The most common method of communicating ideas is through drawings and sketches. These can be used to communicate to clients, end users, manufacturers and other designers or experts, to name a few.Designers use also very often sketches to communicate to themselves. Sketching ideas on paper helps them to visualize products more fully and examine problem areas better. It also frees up their minds, allowing them to develop new ideas: EG. PREHISTORIC CAVE PAINTING, RENAISSANCE PERSPECTIVE, ABSTRACT PAINTING, PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, 3D DRAWINGS, DIGITAL ALTERARED PHOTOGRAPH. ACTIVITIES Nº1. 1.1.- Match the correct word of this definitions: a) We use it to measure angles: protractor b) We use it to draw parallel and perpendicular lines: set square c) We use it to draw arcs and circumferences: compass d) We use it to measure the length of lines: rule 2º METHODS: Technical drawing can be made using three different methods:
The measurements or dimensions are used to understand the overall size of a drawing. They have three items:
- EXTENSION LINES: It should not touch the drawings and must be extended beyond the drawing.
- DIMENSION LINES: It´s an arrow.
- FIGURES: It´s the number that show the real dimension, it´s draw over the arrow.
- 3.1.In your blog, match and complete the sentences:
- With a pair of compasses, we can draw arcs and circumferences.
- With a set square, we can we can draw parallel and perpendicular lines.
- With a protactor, we can measure angules.
- With an oblique system, we can represent an object like we see it.
- With the conical system, we can represent anobject like we see it.
- 3.4. In the before exercise, do you need to draw the SIDE VIEW? Why?e) Draw in M.PAINT the VIEWS of the 8 exercicies at the end of this slides--->LINK HERE: VIEWS
Scale is the expression of the “MEASUREMENT OF THE DRAWING divided by MEASUREMENT ACTUALLY”. We need draw the object with different scales when it is not possible draw your layout to full size. There are three types:- NATURAL SCALE or FULL SIZE: The object fit properly into your notebook, so you draw it in the same dimensions that it actually is. 1:1
- INCREASE SCALE. When you enlarge the object that it actually is. E.g. a ring, a tack, a chuck, a nut, etc. 2:1
- REDUCCTION SCALE: When you reduce the object than it actually is because it´s very large and not fit into your sheet. E.g. 1:10
4.1.What scale would you use to draw a SPOON on A4 paper?
4.2.What scale would you use to draw a BOOKSHELF on A4 paper?
4.3.What scale would you use to draw a NEEDLE on A4 paper?
4.4. Copy the sentences in your Blog and complete then with the apropiate words:
a) An object is smaller thant the drawing in an enlarged scale.
b) We use a scale 1:1 to read the measurement of a scale.
c) The drawing is smaller than the object in 1:2 scale.
1.- Listening and make out it on MS_Paint: LINK.2.- Draw this road. Add a sky with clouds adn some grass on the verge of the road.Add some trees. What sort of perspective is it?